Phone.:0030-210-7238503 email:eltrust@electrotrust.gr
We have the widest variety of high quality electrical products manufactured by the largest firms in the world.
The accumulated knowledge and experience of all members of ELECTROTRUST SA guarantee the supply of the right materials at the right prices.
Contact us before designing your product to choose together the best techno-economic solution.
ELECTROTRUST SA is a leading company in the greek market, since 1986, acting as agents and distributors of electromechanical, electronics, fasteners, fixing components and wiring processing machines & tools. More specifically we offer:
NEW HANDBOOK - Southco Handbook
Every access solution you can think of, and some that you never knew existed! Southco’s new handbook puts eighty-five pages of new products at your fingertips.
NEW PRODUCTS - Southco Electronic Access Solutions
Southco's Electronic Access Solutions (EAS) combine our proven engineered mechanical locks and latches with electronic actuation for the ultimate in remote controlled and monitored access solutions.
NEW PRODUCTS - Soutcho Positioning Technology
Southco's Positioning Technology Solutions offer flexibility, ease of operation and long cycle life for applications requiring repositioning and motion control. Our positioning hinges and display mounts enable easy repositioning, while eliminating the need for maintenance, translating into better usability and ergonomics for the end user.
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